
Pursuing a career alongside motherhood is not always an easy ride. Many things demand our attention and energy, and finding balance is a common goal. The articles here will help you juggle your career with the rest of your responsibilities, feel more confident in your professional abilities, define success, identify your strengths, set and achieve meaningful goals and become a better leader (whether or not you have people reporting to you). Having a thriving and fulfilling career while being a mother is possible!

How to build or rebuild your confidence

How to build or rebuild your confidence

Many women experience a loss of confidence in motherhood. Psychology Dictionary Online defines self-confidence as an individual’s trust in his or her own abilities, capacities, and judgments, or belief that he or she can successfully face day-to-day challenges and...

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What I wish I had known at the beginning of motherhood

What I wish I had known at the beginning of motherhood

In this article, we hear from Rachel Preston Broughton, who has two beautiful children and generously shares with us her reflections on motherhood so far. Enjoy reading about the things Rachel wishes she had known back when she first became a mother.   As a mum...

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Is overfunctioning creating more stress in your life?

Is overfunctioning creating more stress in your life?

Overfunctioning can be simpler to understand than to spot in our lives because people who overfunction tend to be seen as very responsible, reliable, helpful, competent and caring. They do all the things for all the people. Society celebrates people who are constantly...

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Is balance in motherhood a myth?

Is balance in motherhood a myth?

Do you wish you had more balance in your life? Have you been trying to get there but somehow can’t quite get it right? Be kind to yourself, lovely. Balance can feel like an elusive goal. When we look around at other mums on social media and in our lives and they...

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Can you ever give yourself too much self-compassion?

Can you ever give yourself too much self-compassion?

Recently, a beautiful woman in the More to Mum community asked me if you could ever give yourself too much self-compassion. She wondered if there was a point where you just had to take accountability for what you’ve done and do better. As I listened to her describe...

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Tools to manage your frustrations

Tools to manage your frustrations

We all experience frustration in motherhood. As explained by Brené Brown in her book "Atlas of the Heart", frustration occurs when something that feels out of our control is preventing us from achieving our desired outcome. We don't think that we can fix the...

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Why it’s hard to be present in the moment

Why it’s hard to be present in the moment

Recently I was listening to a podcast, and I had to replay the first 10 minutes four times because my mind kept wandering!  Do you find it hard to stay present in the moment? You're not the only one. I often get asked for advice about how to be more present in our...

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Navigating the pressure to be productive all the time

Navigating the pressure to be productive all the time

A man walks through the door and greets his wife. “What did you do today?”, he asks. “Nothing” she says in a weary tone. “I didn’t get anything done!” Truth is, she’s hardly taken a breath. She’s spent her entire day cleaning and tidying, preparing food, organising,...

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5 things that help create balance in your life

5 things that help create balance in your life

Balance. It can be a tricky topic. Some women idealise the concept of balance and are constantly trying to achieve it. Others reject the idea that it’s possible and refuse to use the word at all. Some prefer to call it integration or harmony. Let's have a quick look...

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8 Reasons you’re stuck in the busyness trap

8 Reasons you’re stuck in the busyness trap

Have you ever wanted to do less but can't seem to make it happen?  Do you feel stuck in a cycle of never-ending commitments and obligations? Are you wishing that someone would show you how to prioritise it all and what to stop, so you can put an end to the madness?...

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Your attention is the key to getting more done

Your attention is the key to getting more done

Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link, and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a small commission if you decide to purchase after clicking through the link. I’ll only ever recommend things that I love and believe will help you, and the decision to...

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How to find balance in life as a busy mum

How to find balance in life as a busy mum

Are you constantly trying to achieve the right balance in your life?  Do you feel like you’re neglecting certain areas of your life? Or do you feel like some parts of your life are pulling you and demanding a disproportionate amount of your time and energy? Before I...

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How to stop thinking like an imposter when you feel like one

How to stop thinking like an imposter when you feel like one

Do you ever feel like some day, someone is going to find out that you’re a great big fraud!? That someone is going to realise that you: Aren’t as good a mum as you seem to be Aren’t coping as well as you “should” be Have no idea what you’re doing in raising your...

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Paid work or stay at home? Mums don’t need to be judged

Paid work or stay at home? Mums don’t need to be judged

I always knew there was an ongoing debate and judgement about whether mums should stay at home or return to paid work. More recently, I've realised just how divisive, hurtful and personal this debate has become for some mums. Fortunately, any judgement of this kind...

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How to quieten your inner critic

How to quieten your inner critic

Do you ever speak to yourself in a way that you would never speak to someone else? Harsher? Meaner? More irrational? We all have a voice in our head that reminds us of the things we aren’t. That’s your inner critic. Your inner critic might tell you that you’re not:...

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