7 questions to help you deal with feeling judged

7 questions to help you deal with feeling judged

We all make judgements all the time. We take in information and filter it through our own experiences, knowledge, and understanding of the world to make meaning and draw conclusions. But when we talk about feeling judged, we’re referring to people making critical,...

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Exhausted all the time? 7 types of rest you need

Exhausted all the time? 7 types of rest you need

“How are you?” “I'm exhausted all the time” “Well, that’s to be expected, you’re a mum!”   Have you ever had a conversation like that? It seems to be a commonly held belief that once you enter motherhood, you are destined to be exhausted for a looooong time. At...

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What you need to know about postnatal depression

What you need to know about postnatal depression

Our visions of motherhood tend to be pretty rosy. We imagine the baby snuggles, the cute outfits and the unconditional, fiercely protective love that we're told will overcome us.  Adjusting to life with a new baby is hard enough, and even harder if you're also dealing...

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