Free Support

On this page you’ll find free support available to you, including my value packed blog, my beautiful Facebook community of mums, my favourite books for you and your children, and a range of downloadable resources.


Free Facebook Community for Mums

Are you looking for somewhere to belong? Somewhere where you can be yourself and find love, encouragement and inspiration?

I’d love to welcome you into my beautiful community of mums, where we lift each other up and learn together, as we become the mothers and women we truly desire to be.

There’s fortnightly topic themes and exclusive live training from myself and guest experts.

You’ll also find more support and less judgement, more inspiration and less complaining, more encouragement and less comparison, more help and less unsolicited opinions. 

It’s even been described as feeling like a warm hug, so come and join us!

More to Mum Blog

If you’re looking for help to work through the challenges you’re facing right now, check out my value packed blog!

It’s where I LOVE to share insights, stories, strategies and tips with you. 

There are loads of practical articles! Browse them all or use the search function to find what you need. 

5 Lies of Perfectionism That Make Motherhood Harder For You

Perfectionism seems like a good thing but it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. 

Driven by fear of rejection and not being good enough, perfectionism is stressful and tiring. 

If you’re ready to say goodbye to the intense and fear created by perfectionism, it’s time to learn 5 of perfectionism’s biggest lies that keep us stuck in striving.


Releasing Mum Guilt

Living with constant guilt is exhausting, erodes your self-confidence and makes it challenging to parent the way you want to. 

What if guilt could help you instead?

Guilt is your invitation to look closer and check whether you are in alignment with your values, boundaries and true expectations of yourself (not the expectations of others). Learn how to unhook from the pressure of being a perfect mum and redefine motherhood for yourself. 


Overcoming Overwhelm

Do you feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to do?

Don’t know where to start or how to make it all manageable?

This downloadable guide contains my tried and tested strategies for moving from overwhelm into a calmer, more organised and productive state. Get the most important things done, without burning yourself out. 

Books I Love

Do you love reading as much as I do? 

I often get asked for book recommendations so I’ve compiled a collection of some of my favourites for you and for your children. 

My selection for mums focuses mainly on self-development and motherhood, and my selection for children focuses on supporting their emotional development and life skills. This list gets updated regularly so keep on coming back for more inspiration!

(There’s also an option to purchase the books straight from my collection if you want to but of course, the recommendations are free!)


How to Create More Quality Time With Your Partner

Do you struggle to find the time to really connect with your partner? Do you miss the connection you once had?

It can be really challenging to find time to truly connect with your partner when your life is so full.

This downloadable booklet that contains tips from me and other real mums (yes, they are real people!) on how we intentionally create space for quality time with our partners.

My hope is that you can relate to their challenges, and find inspiration in the solutions they’ve discovered.

Connecting Questions for Couples

Would you like to feel more connected with your partner and talk about something other than the bills or what the kids need today? 

These 48 question cards are designed to help you really connect as a couple and remember what it was like to spend hours talking about what was on your heart and mind.

Love these but feel like you need more?