The beliefs we hold form the lens through which we view and interpret the world around us and all our experiences. They help us make sense of situations and inform our decisions and actions. This happens both consciously and subconsciously. Some of our beliefs support...
Here’s what you’re looking for…
What I wish I had known at the beginning of motherhood
In this article, we hear from Rachel Preston Broughton, who has two beautiful children and generously shares with us her reflections on motherhood so far. Enjoy reading about the things Rachel wishes she had known back when she first became a mother. As a mum...
How to stop struggling with difficult thoughts
Our brains are constantly on the lookout for things that might harm us and in doing so, they create a lot of difficult thoughts. These thoughts might relate to pain from the past, challenges we are facing in the present or fear about the future. Positive thinking is...
Can you ever give yourself too much self-compassion?
Recently, a beautiful woman in the More to Mum community asked me if you could ever give yourself too much self-compassion. She wondered if there was a point where you just had to take accountability for what you’ve done and do better. As I listened to her describe...
Tools to manage your frustrations
We all experience frustration in motherhood. As explained by Brené Brown in her book "Atlas of the Heart", frustration occurs when something that feels out of our control is preventing us from achieving our desired outcome. We don't think that we can fix the...
Use routines to find time for yourself every day
As mothers in modern society, our lives are consumed by the needs of others. Time to ourselves can feel impossible and if we do get the chance to have a break, it often comes with a lot of guilt. Lovely, you are not here merely to take care of others. Taking care of...
Why it’s hard to be present in the moment
Recently I was listening to a podcast, and I had to replay the first 10 minutes four times because my mind kept wandering! Do you find it hard to stay present in the moment? You're not the only one. I often get asked for advice about how to be more present in our...
Meditation made easy for mums and kids – Part 2
This is part 2 of a two-part blog series about making meditation easy and manageable for both mums and kids. In this series, I'm talking to Alysse Di Natale, founder of Young Yoga and the Meditate with Friends app. Alysse is passionate about supporting the wellbeing...
Meditation made easy for mums and kids – Part 1
Have you ever wanted to try meditation but felt that it was too hard, time-consuming, spiritual or that you just weren't any good at emptying your mind? I hear these concerns from lots of women who have heard about the benefits of meditation but aren't sure if can...
Working with your nervous system to feel calmer and more resilient
Nearly every mother I speak to wants strategies to stay calm and deal with stressful situations more effectively. We are mothering and living in stressful, uncertain times with incredible amounts of pressure placed on us to live up to unrealistic expectations. Our...
How to worry less and deal with the fear of what might happen
There is no shortage of things we can worry about in motherhood, regardless of what stage we are in. Worry is thinking about all the potentially negative (from your perspective) possibilities that could eventuate in the future. The what-ifs. Sometimes these...
Have we got the definition of a strong woman wrong?
How would you define a strong woman? Perhaps you might use some of the following descriptions: Physically strong Confident Hard to persuade Unflappable Resilient Determined Independent In control Focused on her goals. I used to think that being a strong woman...
Using your values to create a rich and fulfilling life
Do you know what your personal values are? Defining and aligning to our personal values can help us feel motivated, inspired and live a rich and meaningful life. When we know what’s most important to us we can look for ways to have more of this in our lives. In...
How to ask for help
You know you need some help and you’ve decided you’re going to ask for it. That’s a huge step in itself. Asking for help can be really hard, especially for mothers in modern society where there are some very unrealistic expectations placed on women to do it all,...
Automatic Negative Thoughts: How to Identify and Manage Them
Automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) are stories that we tell ourselves that aren’t necessarily true. They are distortions or negative interpretations of ourselves, what is happening around us, the past or the future, based on our beliefs and assumptions. ANTs happen...
Why mothers need to speak up instead of staying silent
Have there been times when you have you kept quiet when you had something to say? For example, when... Someone crossed your boundary or hurt you? Another child mistreated your child? You didn’t want to do something you were being asked to do? You didn’t agree? Someone...
The truth about the difficult emotions of motherhood
Sadness, burnout, fear, guilt, anxiety, loneliness, frustration, anger, resentment, shame, embarrassment, disgust. Mothers feel them. But often we don’t like to talk about them. What will people think? If perfect mum is always composed, in control, calm, happy, on top...
Think you might be a perfectionist? 10 signs to look for
Perfectionism is patterns of thinking and behaviours driven by the constant need to be or appear perfect (without flaws). It could also be described as the need to avoid being inadequate (anything less than perfect). For many years I proudly called myself a...
Learning the art of letting go. Again.
Letting go is a lesson and practice we live through over and over again. Life continues to present us with new opportunities to let go and sometimes we have such a tight grip on things, it takes several attempts to fully release. I love this quote from Ahjan Chah: “If...
How to deal with a bad day
I know that we’re expected to be loving motherhood, sailing through each day with a smile on our faces. That’s the myth of the perfect mum. In reality, we all have bad days and we don’t have to pretend that everything is wonderful when it’s not. Allowing ourselves to...
When self-care feels like another thing you have to get right
Ever feel like you’re getting this self-care thing wrong? Not doing enough or doing too much. Not wanting to do it, not enjoying it enough or doing it with so much guilt. Not being consistent, not sticking to your plans or not starting at all. Not doing the right...
How to find alone time when you’re never alone
Alone time is an important part of caring for our wellbeing. Having time to just be who we are, to rest and relax, helps us feel happier, healthier, more energised and refreshed. Without it, in the long run, we can start to see negative impacts to our mental,...
How to be a calmer, more connected parent
Do you ever wish you were a calmer parent? A more connected parent? I think we all have moments where we miss the bar we set for ourselves in these areas. Parenting challenges us in ways we've never been challenged before and with every new child, and every new...
How to practice mindfulness for a happier, calmer you
Do you: Find it hard to focus or be present with the people you love? Notice your mind always racing, thinking of what’s next, worrying about the future and replaying the past? Find yourself on autopilot, not really conscious of what you're doing? Feel exhausted,...
What’s your definition of a successful day?
Life comes with a multitude of definitions of success In my years as a corporate workaholic, my success was defined by a whole lot of external measures. The number of hours I worked, the company I worked at, the hierarchical level of my position, the targets I hit,...
How to sleep better: 10 practical strategies
Let’s face it, sleep disruptions start in pregnancy, but motherhood takes it up another level. Of course, we all know that we’re going to miss out on some sleep with a new baby but I'm not sure we all realise how deeply impacting sleep deprivation can be. I certainly...
32 ways to stay calm in the moment (Part 2)
This is part 2 of my 2-part blog post series on staying calm in the moment. Part 1 contains the first 16 strategies. You can find it here. I certainly needed my strategies for staying calm this week. How about you? Every mum experiences times when she doesn't feel...
32 ways to stay calm in the moment (Part 1)
This is part 1 of my two-part blog post series on staying calm in the moment. You can find part 2 here. When I asked the mums in the More to Mum community to describe how they would like to feel in motherhood, calm was one of the top responses. Before we have...
How to accept things as they are (without giving up)
My son is starting 4 year old kindergarten in just 3 weeks. I’m feeling a mixture of pride, excitement and trepidation. He seems so ready but at the same time he’s still so little. After 4 and a half years of being with me nearly all the time, he’s off into the world...
4 shifts that brought me more happiness, peace and confidence
Do you ever think about how you’ve changed and evolved throughout your life? As I turn 40 this week, I’ve been reflecting on exactly that. Whilst my core values haven’t really changed, I’m definitely not the same person I was in my 20s. Last weekend, I was blessed to...