I’ve heard way too many mums, say “I’m just a mum”. It hurts my heart to hear it. Using the word "just" seems to imply that being a mum isn't really that important or noteworthy. Why do we add the word "just" in there? Is it because we: Don't believe that being a mum...
Here’s what you’re looking for…
How to accept compliments with grace
I love to give compliments. I really believe that if you see something positive in someone, then you should tell them. Why? Because: They may not see it themselves It might brighten their day (or week!) They may need the encouragement It tells them that I appreciate...
39 powerful things I’ve learned in life
This week I'm celebrating my 39th birthday. I’ve always loved getting older. For a long time, I’ve rounded up my age in the last 6 months before my birthday. Is that a bit strange? I think the reason I’m so excited about getting older is that I associate it with...
How to replace stress with joy this Christmas (Part 1)
Does your ideal Christmas look like something out of a Netflix Christmas special? I’m the first to admit that I get totally caught up in whole experience of Christmas. I love buying and wrapping presents, baking, making craft, decorating, getting together with friends...
25 ways to save time and save your sanity
For as long as I can remember, when I asked my Dad how his day was, he would respond in a weary tone, “busy”. It became a bit of a running joke in our house. As an adult, I realised that I had subconsciously taken on this same mindset. I used to always feel like I was...
How to create space in your life and save yourself from overwhelm
Over the last year, I’ve been learning a very important lesson – how to create space in my life. You know the saying “if you want something done, give it to a busy person”? That person is me. I've been told many times that I have a high capacity and that I’m very...
10 ways to be less attached to your phone (and why it matters)
After I’d been playing trains for nearly an hour (yet again), I glanced over at the kitchen bench longingly. I wondered if my friend had responded to my text message, or if the email I’d been waiting for had come through. I thought about the birthday present I needed...
Overthinking: how to free yourself from this unhelpful cycle
Overthinking is thinking about the same thing over and over, past the point of it being helpful. It may be something that has already happened or something you’re worried about in the future. When you’re overthinking, you’re going in circles in your mind and can’t...
How to let go of the need to control
Before having children you were in control of your life, responsible for yourself and doing what you wanted to do, when you wanted to do it. Now? Some days you can’t even shower. And getting out the door on time is nearly impossible. When you’re at the mercy of the...
Mum guilt: revealing the standards you impose on yourself
Mum guilt. Before having children, you might have imagined that you would just side step the whole issue. But the arrival of your little one likely coincided with the arrival of guilt. There’s a reason that Google reveals over 18 million search results related to mum...
More joy for mum: remember to do the things you love
When was the last time you did something that brought you joy? Something you did just for you, to make you feel good. As mothers, we go through different seasons. There are seasons when we feel on top of things and actually get out to do new things and connect with...
Vulnerability: Do you allow yourself to be really seen?
I’m a pretty open person. I welcome questions about myself and happily share stories about my life. I’m willing to put myself and my thoughts online after all! But I nearly didn’t tell you that I’ve been divorced. It wasn’t a conscious choice at first. It’s simply a...
Do you need recovery time? Easy effort recommended
I’m currently training for my first half marathon since falling pregnant with my son. My husband very kindly bought me a fancy new running watch because my old one stopped working. He assures me it has many amazing features (most of which I have no idea how to use and...
Multitasking: what you need to know
Do you sometimes feel like your days are out of control and you can’t get enough done? Do you wish you could go to bed feeling like you completed the things you needed to do? I certainly do. When I feel like there are a million things to do, I go into champion...
25 Ways to power up your playfulness
One of my favourite things about being a mum is that I can sing and dance my way through the day with my son. We delight in making up silly songs and actions, singing about the routine things we’re doing, and turning the music up to dance around the house. I often...
Hate cleaning? Here are 6 simple ways I make it easier
Cleaning… argh Does anyone really like it? Ok, some people do, but I’m not one of those people. I told someone that recently and they were surprised. Probably because my house is almost always clean and tidy. I can't settle when my house is cluttered or dirty. It’s...
The mindset you need to be your best
‘I’m just not creative’ ‘I can’t sing’ ‘I’m no good at that’ ‘I can’t cook’ ‘I’m not very smart’ ‘I’m so disorganised’ ‘I’m hopeless at being patient with my children’ ‘I’m just not nurturing’ Have you ever heard people say things like that? Have you said them...